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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Control you

There was a song several years ago that seemed to say it all when it comes to life and pursuing the grace and favor of God. Jaci Velasquez sang a song called "on my knees" We all fall down, regardless of who we are or who we think we are, there are always times in our lives we simply ask what now? what do I do? How do I go on? What is the purpose for me? The answers to all of these questions can be found if searched for diligently enough. The problem is, we always have that voice in our heads saying, "it's not worth it" or simply "give up" The powers of darkness are mighty and not to be taken lightly. If you're a sports fan, you realize how much power is underestimating your opponent, it literally can make you lose the game in an instant, the same goes for life and your daily walk with God. In an instant you can be mislead and led astray. The pictures of the power of darkness is not what you think. You wouldn't lure a fish with unappealing bait, and you wouldn't lead someone from God without something equally as enticing. Evil is everywhere, discouragement runs rampant and if you are not careful and focused on God you will be misled. Simple as that. Time well spent is time seeking God. This is an every day battle and at every corner there is someone trying to pull you away.
      Remember that we serve a powerful God and he controls the universe with only his voice. Anything you are going through is nothing compared to the power of God. Also remember that evil is manipultive. If you have ever tried to quit something that you are used to doing, you understand that one of the best ways to do it is put whatever it is as far from you as possible. The less your senses see it, hear it , smell it, the better suited you are for rejecting it. God gave each of us the power of our mind, but simply every day we reliquish the power we hold more and more to circumstances, substances, thoughts among many other things. Regain the power of your mind, control your body, only you are responsible for your salvation, and it's far too important to just let someone else control it. Never say I can't. Words are powerful and the more you understand that you were made with power the better off you will be. Everything God does is with his voice, Jesus changed the world without lifting a finger. His voice saved many, his sacrifice saves us all. Controlling your life begins with changing your thought process. YOU CAN do ALL things through CHRIST who STRENGTHENS you. Phillipians chapter 4

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year New opportunities.

Each year we all fall into the same routine of making New Year resolutions knowing full well that by Valentines Day, most of those resolutions are long past. A lot of times our paths in life are kind of like a hiking trail, there is a pathway the leads through the woods and at times it looks easier to got off the trail and take what looks like a short cut. Technically it's against the rules to go off through the woods blazing your own trail and it's definitely a greater chance of getting lost or mis lead when all one has to do is simply follow the path and obey the signs. Our signs are clearly marked in a God inspired walk, and all we have to do is simply read them but, as usual, we all simply over look them thinking we are too busy. Our job as Christians is to simply be on the lookout for the ones that have strayed from the trail and help them find the path again. It is no coincidence that we are referred to as lambs in the parables that Jesus was known to use. If a lamb is lost you wouldn't try to persuade it to rejoin the herd by making it feel like a goat. The same goes for us, we shouldn't make someone feel estranged simply because he or she has fallen from the path. Instead, lead them, wrap them in love and gently show them the right way to travel. We all make mistakes everyday, it is the time to make it known that you are still loved.
This year, 2012 is a year everyone will be watching those intently that has the most faith. Make the best of it. Let your light shine so brightly, no one can help but see it. Remember, the lost lamb is worth all the effort in the world to be found.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


"to surrender oneself to something obsessively or habitually."
Most of us either know someone or ourselves have an addiction. Addictions aren't always what you immediately associate them with. We can be addicted to so many different things such as smoking, shopping, drinking, playing video games, people's attention etc. There is a whole list of things that we "surrender ourselves to" and possibly don't even realize it. If you have ever said, " I have to have this or that, chances are you're addicted to it. The bad part is that in the respect that we don't realize it or realize that it controls us one way or another is really actually dangerous. What is interesting is that it is easy to become addicted to something like smoking, drinking, drugs, pornography, food or etc. we don't realize that simple addictions that we don't see as bad are actually hindering us from a better quality of life.

       A lot more people than you thing struggle with addiction each and every day. The high of getting what you crave and eventually the low of remorse and guilt of letting something control you. To break an addiction, it takes a strong desire to change. It takes admitting that you are addicted, and finally taking the steps to change. Does this sound familiar? Of course it does, we go through the same steps to achieve our salvation. We admit we're a sinner, ask God to save us, and take the steps to change our life. It is no accident that breaking addiction is done in this way. You see, we're naturally enticed by sin. Each and every day we struggle with "breaking the addiction" if you will to stay from it. I have talked with quite a few people that have broken major addictions and they have all said the same thing. As a step in breaking it, you must first put it as far away from you as possible. It is simply too easy to be drawn back into it. Whatever it is, remove all traces from it in your world and don't associate with anything the makes you think of it until you're strong enough to resist the urge to pick it up again. It is not easy, matter of a fact, it's the hardest thing most people will have to over come.
    Addictions are automatically put before God so of course he hates them with a passion. Which, if you think about it is good and bad. It's good because he's even more motivated to help you overcome it, bad because until you go before him and give it to him and trust him with it, you won't break it. So, being so easily distracted and drawn back into it, put it away from you. repeat in your head when the thought or the urge comes up, God deliver me.
The most important thing to remember when it comes to addictions is, God loves you anyway. He knows that you are going to fail, but he's always there to help you get back up. He doesn't hate you because you are struggling with something so intense it overcomes you. He wants to help you, and with that in mind, remember, you must have the desire to change, to end the same old cycle. To achieve greatness we must first build our foundation in meekness. You can overcome the odds. You can change. You can overcome.

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I Sam. 15:22 - "to obey is better than sacrifice"  If you were raised in church or have listened to any number of sermons anywhere, I’m willing to bet you have heard something about obedience. It happens to be something that is a key part of salvation and faith that we do not really recognize but when you stop and look at things from a different perspective, you see just how important simple obedience is. Let me give you an illustration.
            In a previous post, I blogged about what you do makes a difference. Each day we are given a choice to contribute to good or contribute to evil and we do so by the words we speak and the actions we make but, what about obedience? How many times have you had God tug at your heart to simply speak to someone or share your testimony or uplift someone that is down and you talked yourself out of it? In the last week, I have spent more effort and attention to listening immediately to the call of God, and as an indirect result, miraculous things are happening. Simply put, I’ve been allowed to see it all play out kind of like a movie where the really cool action scene is slowed down to super slow motion so your eyes can follow everything that is happening, God has allowed me to see what my simple obedience as resulted in. It is so encouraging to see the works of God presented before you in such a way that is so surreal it will blow your mind. The reason I am attempting to give each and every one following this blog a glimpse of what this means is simply that it was not just me that was involved in this process and miracle, rather several people that made the choice to listen to the call, and OBEY. As a result, people’s lives were forever changed. You may think that you don’t have a part, that you’re not special, that you aren’t important, but if you will take the time to stop for 5 minutes step to the side and really concentrate on watching the works of God, he will allow you to see your importance first hand. I have to tell you that it is worth so much more than anything else that could be given to you. A satisfaction unrivaled by anything you will ever do all by simply obeying God.
            As the scripture at the top of the blog says, “To obey is better than sacrifice” stop for a second and realize what the bible says. God Gave us the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ. This is the time of the year that we are presented with the opportunity to realize just what Christmas means, and the bible says that Jesus was sent as the greatest sacrifice, the final sacrifice if you will and yet the Bible says simply that to obey is even greater than that. Let that sink in for a moment and I’ll give you another morsel to energize you. Exod. 19:5 - "if you obey My voice ..., you shall be My possession". What is this saying to you? Go open your bible and read these verses and tell me what it means to you. God created us for his enjoyment and all he asks from us is to obey him. To keep his commandments, to honor him and to glorify him. If you simply obey, you will see the plan and the power of God just play out in front of you greater than any movie you will pay to go see. Believe me, it is much more rewarding the awkwardness of “you want me to do what?” Let’s face it, there are times when God presses us to do something and we’re like HUH? Take a week, simply obey, don’t ask questions, just obey, and see the rewards God has in store for you.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


          You are mighty and awesome in power, the creator, the redeemer, the healer. You are the One true God, none other can measure up to one hair on your head. You are gracious, and loving and you call me your own. Thank you for sending your son to die for me, It is a debt I will never be able to repay. Thank you for your love regardless of how many times I screw up so profoundly it doesn't seem fair i'm still breathing. Thank you for Grace, that even though I'm doomed to fail, you still gave me a way out, an escape. You are the creator of the universe, you spoke the entire being into existence with your voice. I lift my voice to honor you. I lift my hands to glorify you. I lift my eyes to seek your face.
         Lord, I ask you to mold me and make me into something useful, I ask that you take fear and anxiety from me and replace it with your peace. There are a lot of things I do not know and I ask for your wisdom and understanding. I realize that without you I am lost and doomed to never ending pain. I need you to take over and drive, to prompt me to live a more fulfilled life and the only way to do that is through love and forgiveness. Help me forgive those that persecute me, It is much easier to just fire back and forgot that vengeance is yours alone. Help me realize that the words I speak are power and to use them wisely, help me understand the things I cannot change and forgive me for the faults and failures I have made. Bless those who come against me even though it takes everything in me to not ask for your wrath to consume them with fire. Help me be better, enlighten me in your will. Help me get back up when I fall, I know that I will.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Potter

God has his own way of doing things and planning things. For over a year I’ve been trying desperately to get hired on for more money, to find a meaningful relationship, to find myself, to help someone else along the way and all this time God has his own plan for me. Not to say that I haven’t enjoyed my life, haven’t been up, been down and somewhere in between on a crazy roller coaster ride from you know where, I am simply saying that it has not turned out like I saw in my head, or in my dreams for that matter. It is increasingly amazing to me that even though I manage to fail horribly in one way or another each and every day, God still uses me for something good. I am so blessed and fortunate that God allows me to live each day I wake up, I definitely don’t deserve it. I am so overcome with the feeling that even though I screw up so often, God still loves me, God still wants to use me. This is something that we simply aren’t taught as Christians, as a child I remember sermon after sermon of hellfire and brimstone which, don’t get me wrong, hell is really there, but it is much more affective to follow Jesus’ example and love someone to Jesus. After all this was the main thing Jesus taught his disciples time and time again.
            We all see things and life on our scale like looking through a window standing 12’ away from it, yeah the view is there, yes we can see outside and probably a decent area but, each step closer to the window broadens the total picture exponentially. We simply box ourselves in and don’t even realize it. I have been asking God, why? When? What’s the deal? Can you please just tell me what I’m supposed to do? Why are you hating on me? The answer I kept getting was “wait”. I was at the point I was saying I know I need to be patient but good grief this is ridiculous! It dawned on me as I picked up a book called “Love as a way of life” by Dr. Gary Chapman a special friend was kind enough to give me, that all along a plan was made and it was a need to know basis and I didn’t need to know yet. If God told us his entire plan, we inevitably would mess it up, let’s face it, we’re human. Right? How many times have you heard that? “I’m only human” Think about this, why on earth would God risk messing up his perfect plan to have some human mess it up thinking, this would be better if I did it this way. No one can’t beat God, or out think God. After all he is God. What I have realized is that my plan is simply that, my plan. And even though I make think it is awesome, fool proof, whatever, God always knows better. To be a willing vessel one must first be molded into it from a lump of clay. Did you ever stop and think about why the analogy of the potter was so important to us as believers?
            The story of the potter is important because the pot represents life. We start from a lump of clay. Lumpy, wet, with no structure compound or thought of being anything, the potter takes his foot and kicks the wheel starting to spin the lump of clay, wets his hands and starts to form his pot. At some point in all of this the pot is molded into what looks like a pot, but it’s not finished yet. Here is the part you won’t like. In order to be called a pot, to be used as a pot, it must first be fired. Meaning it must withstand the kiln. This process takes a while, a hot fire that lasts for a set amount of time, finally the pot is pulled out and cooled then inspected. After this whole process you can use your pot. Let’s think about this, we are the pot and we can’t be used until we go through the fire. The use is worth much more than the fire so keep the walk steady.
            I am thankful that God sees fit to use me even though I am far from perfect. I am going to try to see God’s plan instead of my own because it is so much more rewarding. Thanks so much for reading my blog. I hope it uplifts you as it does me. Just because you think that you aren't enough, doesn't mean that's true. You can be useful anyway. God loves you anyway. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

14 Days to Christ-mas

        With two weeks exactly until Christmas remaining, I feel it is time to touch on the subject of Christmas spirit as well as Christmas gifts. It can be really difficult when you are trying to get that perfect gift for your friends, family, or children. We all have put a lot of burden on ourselves each year and we simply overlook the spirit of Christmas. We all have heard Christmas stories and Christmas plays that touch on the very subject but It seems like we all just push it to the back of our minds and go on our merry little way still acting like a modern scrooge if you will. The spirit of Christmas is what Christmas its self is all about to begin with. Christmas has never been about the gift, rather the thought. What is sad is every marketing strategist has jumped on the idea of giving gifts rather than giving the spirit of Christmas. In a previous blog, I wrote about , “smile, it’s contagious.” Well simply put so is Christmas spirit. This blog is more about being challenging to all of those that are out doing their holiday shopping. I personally challenge each and every one of you to take 5 minutes of your time to simply stop in the middle of a busy store, step to the side and watch the people that happen to be shopping there with you. Take a moment to observe how they act and what they say. Is this truly Christmas spirit?
         Let’s take a moment to define Christmas spirit. Christmas being Christ…..Mas. "Mas" in most languages means “more”, so in essence the entire reason for Christmas is more Christ. Christmas spirit is simply more Christ’s spirit. When it is broken down, each and every one of us totally miss the whole reason for Christmas to begin with. Christ like attitude. Teach your children it’s not the gift, it’s the spirit.. Will your children, friends, or family be using/playing with the gift you fought someone at Walmart for? Probably not, matter of fact I’m willing to bet they won’t even remember what they got. We all should remember that Christmas is extended Thanksgiving, it is to become closer to the one who gave his life to save yours. I challenge you each and every one in the next 14 day countdown to “more Christ” day, we ALL need to act more Christ like. Don’t get in someone’s face and scold them like children, simply let the Spirit express itself. Let someone ahead of you at Target. If someone drops something, pick it up for them. If you see someone walking in the freezing cold and obviously they’re walking because it’s their only option simply stop and ask them if they need a ride. This is Christmas. Let your spirit make people stop and realize that maybe they have got caught up in the rat race we call holiday shopping. The stores do not care about you. The stores only care about how much money they can make from the “holidays”. Show your “MORE CHRISTMAS” spirit it’s contagious. And above all remember Jesus is the reason for the season. We hear it but we don’t listen. Take 20 seconds out of your day and tell someone, You know I love you. Take 10 minutes to sit down and tell your children that the reason of Christmas isn’t about that toy they’ve been eye-ing and possibly shaking under the tree. Take 15 minutes and make some hot chocolate for your kids and sit in the floor and play a board game with them. Time slips away like a whisper in the wind. In a heartbeat it is gone, and no matter how much money you have, you will never get it back. Be thankful for what you have, cherish the ones you love, live an example of “more Christmas”

Friday, December 9, 2011


     A hero to stand strong and mighty may actually only be a small boy fighting for his life with cancer. The strongest people are the ones that we naturally perceive the weakest. In humility there is greatness. In humbleness there is strength and honor. We all have been in situations where we want to be heard. We want to be the “squeaky wheel” if you will. We are all in the world and just want to be seen, to make a difference, to survive. This life is not about what we have, it is not about how much we own, let’s face it, possessions aren’t about what we have in our pockets or in our bank accounts or even our property. Our possessions can be entirely found in our hearts. Life is about the journey and about the differences you make along the way. In my earlier blog post, I stated that words have the power to kill someone or build someone up. It is very important to realize that in our lives, our entire existence the sole reason for our creation could be one moment where you make a difference in someone’s life. If you miss the moment you were created for, there is not another shot, there is not another chance. You will simply do the best you can. This is not meant to be depressing because it really isn’t. We all have a purpose, a lot of times we don’t see it because life is allowed to become something other than what it was meant for and it overshadows everything else. What I mean by this is simply, live every moment like that was the ONE moment you were created for. It will be extremely hard, there will be challenges, if you mess up simply stop, take a moment and get back up and keep trying because life is not about how much one has, what you wear, or what you drive. Life is about the difference you make. What is the good of having everything? If you can obtain riches and property will that make you happy? No, the most depressed people in the world are the ones with the most simply because they are trying to fill a void in their lives and as much gold and material things they buy they simply can’t fill the void. There is nothing wrong with having dreams and goals, they are good to keep one grounded, we simply should remember the real reason we are all on the planet.
    Take a moment to reach out to someone on the street that you don’t know. We have all heard, “Smile, it makes people wonder” I would rather say, “ Smile, It’s contagious.” I know people that have the most beautiful smile on the planet but can’t seem to muster it for whatever reason and it’s incredibly heart breaking. Love those next to you, hold them close and dear. Tomorrow is not promised and yesterday is easily forgotten. Live your life for what it was created for. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Food for thought

There is hope for the helpless
Rest for the weary
Love for the broken heart
There is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus, Cry out to Jesus

These are words to a song call Cry out to Jesus by Third Day. If you haven't had a chance to listen to this song it happens to be very true. Too many times each of us are found in a situation that is so easily considered a hopeless situation. There is never a situation that is ever hopeless. There is always hope. We are loved regardless of what we may think. There is much more to christianity than just reading the bible and going to church. What many people don't realize that religion has never saved anyone. It doesn't keep people from dying an eternal death. Only your relationship with God will. It's that very relationship that will bring you peace like you have never known from anywhere else. Many times we are so consumed by problems and dilemmas that we forget to simply look up. There is always a hand just above our heads no matter how bleak the situation looks. Darkness will consume anything, yet one single small candle frail and exposed can fend off the darkest night. Instead of focusing on all the darkness around you and worrying about what is hiding in it, focus on the candle. The candle is your lifeline, the only thing keeping you safe. If all of us focus on the candle and set aside the worry, the pain, and the fear that lies in the darkness, pretty soon the candle will get bigger and bigger. If each of us held one single candle, there would be nowhere for the darkness to go.
There is no problem to large or too small to "cry out to Jesus" He is always there with a hand reaching down saying just look up child, I am here and I am willing to pull you out of the mud, the mire, and the darkness. You are NOT alone. There are people who care, simply look for the candle.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Truth about words.

We have been taught by society that we are worthless unless we become some sort of supernatural perfect model, or suddenly become famous or something to that affect. Truth is, we are all awesome. If you took in consideration how our mind works in itself is enough to make you stop and say, "you know, I'm amazing." The problem lies in the simple age old notion that is "If i'm not happy, then no one else will be either!" It's sad and above all damaging to everyone involved.

 Here is the thing, the words we speak are extremely powerful. We have the power to kill someone or heal someone simply by the words we utter from our mouth. I'm not talking about them dropping dead right then and there, but on a more broad spectrum. Let's face it, how many times have you been angry with someone and something like, "I hope you choke on that!" while a lot of times we may not be serious, we don't realize that the words that we uttered will forever be in existence. We can never take back what we have said. The bible says in Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. You don't have to be a christian or religious or anything like that to understand that there is truth here. Some of us simply do not want to admit that there are forces of good and evil at a constant battle for our souls and every word spoken will fuel either the Good or it will fuel the Evil. So while you have simply said. "I hope you choke." you could very well have shortened the persons life. Be wise in your words, choose them carefully, for every word spoken you will answer to. Some people call it Karma, faithful people call it "reaping what one's sewn" which ever you prefer to call it doesn't really matter. What matters is your realize that it is real, it will pay you a visit when you least expect it.