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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


            Many times we are easily distracted as humans much less as Christians in doing what we should. There are far too many avenues in which we can get lost in while trying to navigate life. Simply put "Mantenere la fede" We all have been in situations where the only thing we can think about is the thing that is slapping us in the face or trying our patience or both. It can be scary "taking the road less traveled" and these days, doing what is right even when no one is watching is a road being traveled less and less, but we should not fear or be ashamed no matter the outcome of us doing what is right. Recently, I personally have seen what happens when you "stick to your guns" and refuse to do what is popular to achieve a higher status or recognition at work. I was demoted and sent out of the office for my belief. This choice is one that I would make again with only slight difference.
          It is far too easy to take the easy road in life, or love, or anything else for that matter. A wise man once said that life is not only the destination but the journey as well. Life teaches us many lessons, and if your lessons are anything like mine, many are not fun to learn. Choices are important, and life changing. The smallest decision sometimes makes the biggest differences. So make your choices make a positive difference. We each hold great power in the words we speak and the actions we make to make the world brighter, or darker. As I have written before the battle rages everyday between good and evil, and what you do feeds either one or the other.
         So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10) make your choices with the word as a back up, for there can be no greater help but your creator. God still loves you and wants to help you even if you don't consider yourself to be a "christian". all that is important is that you understand that you have a personal relationship with God.
        For many years I was taught that a good Christian did not associate with sinners and that you stayed away from people that were not like you. I do not believe this is what God had in mind when he sent his son to the cross. The most recited verse in the bible is John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that who so ever believed him would not perish but have everlasting life." the sad part is many churches automatically skip the very next verse which I feel is just as important John 3:17 says that God sent not his son to condemn the world, but so the world through him might be saved... If God says very plainly I do not condemn the is it that many churches feel they have a right to condemn sinners for many various reasons? Why is it that we all as Christians think it is okay to look down our noses at people living in sin? I work with a guy that actually makes me sick because anyone that does not believe exactly like him is going to hell... I've got news for him and all like him. That mindset right there sends thousands of people to eternal death every day. Many simply do not have an desire to come to the father because they want no part of it.
          God is love, not condemnation. God will not condemn you, and has never desired to make anyone feel like they aren't special. This is the reason God made all people unique.