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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Come to Me

Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 

Come to me... such a simple phrase isn't it? Such an honest simple thought that maybe we try to complicate it a bit because let's face it. It shouldn't be that easy. We tend to hang on with a death grip to all that binds us and brings us down. Even when it comes to our salvation. God didn't say take 42 steps this direction, stand on your head walk 12 miles in the rain, live in the wilderness and meditate. He simply says, "come to me" 

   SO why is it that we tend to say no it's too hard? It's that little voice in our heads saying, "you can't do it" this is the first lie you will hear. Jesus while dying on the cross cried not out of pain for the the flesh being ripped from his body, the pain of being separated from his love and his longing for you to come to him was far greater. He literally begged for us to run to him. Can you imagine? Beaten, bloody, and weak and his pain is caused by us not running to him. 

    He is calling for you. Not for you to jump through hoops, not for you to do sort of mission impossible if you will. His way was not created to be difficult. Do not let your head over complicate things. Simply, run. Run from pain, Run from regret, Run from hate, Run from depression, run from habits, run from your past. It's always been said you can't run from your problems. THat statement is only partly true, you can run TO Jesus. 

     NONE of us are perfect. I know that I sure am not. I fail horribly probably as much or more than anyone. As long as I get up and turn to run to him, I'll be fine. He will give me rest.

Please come to me. COme to me and let me take your burdens. Come to me and let me take your pain. Come to me and let me give you rest. I'm pleading with you. Think about this. GOD the creator of the universe is pleading with you...wrap your head around this. THE GOD OF GOD's is pleading for you to come to him. How can you say that no one cares? Don't worry about the small junk. Run to HIM

Friday, December 5, 2014

To be yoked or not to be

It is amazing how quickly time flies. I understand it has been some time since I have last written and quite frankly I sometimes wonder if anyone reads this thing or not. However, from time to time I feel the need to share something that is either a realization or an epiphany or perhaps words straight from God. I do not feel that I am wise enough to come up with what I usually write on my own so I am thankful when I am given something. All of that being said, here is the new delivery.

If any of you are like me, I spent a lot of time while dating focusing on the possibilities of one day being more than dating. The one overwhelming thought I had was the warning in the bible in 2 Corinthians 6:14 where is says   Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness. This was so much prevalent on my mind that perhaps some other equally important points weren't paid attention to. Now, thankfully it has worked out but, I do believe that it is easy to be misled when it comes to this passage. 
To be equally yoked has the obvious meanings of make sure you are in the same faith. There are many references to this including but not limited to a house divided in itself will not stand. The good news is this is all very true. However, your faith and that of your spouse is not the only thing you need to be equally yoked on. It just so happens that it is equally important to have the same mindset on raising children, finances, and responsibilities. 
Let me clarify what I am saying here. Let's say you find someone that you really like and feel like you can fall in love with them. Let's even say that you have taken the time to verify that person believes the same as you spiritually. Great! everything will be smooth sailing right? WRONG. It is important to understand that you will not spend your entire life in church. If you are for instance a conservative person financially and the person you marry is not, you will have hardships and problems that will be difficult to over come. It is important to understand that what society teaches us everything will be fine as long as you can see yourself waking up next to this person until you get bored then you can get a divorce for the low price of ----- Just like everything in life, a little foundation or ground work if you will, will make your life so much easier. Here are some things that you should look for.
Habits- Habits are very difficult to break for both parties involved. So make sure the habits that your future spouse has is something you are okay with. The chances of them changing are very slim. Please not this is not limited to tobacco etc. Habits cover a wide range of things.
Finances- If you and your future spouse do not agree on how to spend/save money, you will have a rocky marriage. Am I saying that it will not be possible? No, I am not, however, it is much easier to get this hashed out with a solid plan and the ability to stick to the plan. The thing with plans are that a good plan is useless unless you use/apply it.
Motivation- this may seem a little funny to some of you. However, if you have one person that doesn't have much motivation to do things that are required to run a house and the other has to take up the slack, it causes a lot of friction. the important thing to remember is that when you get married, you are no longer a singular entity. You become a part of another being. No longer are you allowed to think of yourself, You are commanded by God to think of you and him/her with a level of importance equal to or greater than you consider yourself. When children are involved, you are no longer a couple, you are a family, and so on. If your focus is not on those you are responsible for and making sure their needs are met above all others to the best of your ability, you are failing. You are not only failing yourself and your family, but you are failing God as well.
I challenge you to see the yoke as much more than initially thought. do not take lightly the charge of God when you take on others because you will be held accountable before God for your actions.