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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Come to Me

Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 

Come to me... such a simple phrase isn't it? Such an honest simple thought that maybe we try to complicate it a bit because let's face it. It shouldn't be that easy. We tend to hang on with a death grip to all that binds us and brings us down. Even when it comes to our salvation. God didn't say take 42 steps this direction, stand on your head walk 12 miles in the rain, live in the wilderness and meditate. He simply says, "come to me" 

   SO why is it that we tend to say no it's too hard? It's that little voice in our heads saying, "you can't do it" this is the first lie you will hear. Jesus while dying on the cross cried not out of pain for the the flesh being ripped from his body, the pain of being separated from his love and his longing for you to come to him was far greater. He literally begged for us to run to him. Can you imagine? Beaten, bloody, and weak and his pain is caused by us not running to him. 

    He is calling for you. Not for you to jump through hoops, not for you to do sort of mission impossible if you will. His way was not created to be difficult. Do not let your head over complicate things. Simply, run. Run from pain, Run from regret, Run from hate, Run from depression, run from habits, run from your past. It's always been said you can't run from your problems. THat statement is only partly true, you can run TO Jesus. 

     NONE of us are perfect. I know that I sure am not. I fail horribly probably as much or more than anyone. As long as I get up and turn to run to him, I'll be fine. He will give me rest.

Please come to me. COme to me and let me take your burdens. Come to me and let me take your pain. Come to me and let me give you rest. I'm pleading with you. Think about this. GOD the creator of the universe is pleading with you...wrap your head around this. THE GOD OF GOD's is pleading for you to come to him. How can you say that no one cares? Don't worry about the small junk. Run to HIM

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